David Brown Automotive: rivela le specifiche della prima vettura

Project Rudi – Dall’Inghilterra terra di costruttori di auto (o garagisti se la volete dire alla Enzo Ferrari) arriva un nuovo marchio di vetture sportive di lusso la David Brown Automotive che ha appena annunciato le specifiche della sua prima vettura, la “Project Judi”

Design esterno ed interni completamente ridisegnati ma chassis e motore derivano direttamente dalla Jaguar XKR, che tradotto in numeri significa un motore 5 litri V8 Supercharged, trazione posteriore, cambio automatico a sei rapporti. La vettura tocca i 100 in poco più di 4 secondi e mezzo e raggiunge i 248 Km/h.

La scelta è ricaduta sulla XKR per la sua leggerezza (telaio in alluminio) e per le sue comprovate e acclamate performance dinamiche.

Sul design e gli interni, David Brown afferma che ha voluto inserire tutto l’impatto di una vettura sportiva classica, ma con funzionalità e comfort moderni e visto che, secondo lui, nessuna auto li offriva ha deciso di costruirsela da sola utilizzando materiali di altissima qualità e lavoravioni manuali.

La “Project Judi” sarà presentata al Top Marques Show di Monaco il prossimo 17 Aprile.

English Version: All-new, British luxury automotive brand, David Brown Automotive, has announced the outline specifications of its first car.

Underneath its bespoke exterior design, is the acclaimed chassis and powertrain of the Jaguar XKR, optimised specifically for the car by Envisage group engineers.

This means the car will boast a thoroughly modern 5.0-litre Supercharged V8 engine, driving the rear wheels via a 6-speed automatic transmission.

Performance will be suitably brisk, yet refined, delivering 0-60mph in 4.6 seconds and a top speed exceeding 155mph (248 km/h).

“As reliability is vital, we chose to adopt a thoroughly proven and acclaimed chassis that not only delivers dynamic performance but also lends itself to our lightweight aluminium design. Renown for its performance and handling, the XKR has been extensively developed and refined by one of the world’s greatest car manufacturers, making it an obvious choice on which to base our car” said David.

These state-of-the-art underpinnings are matched to a completely original exterior and interior design, realised through the highest quality materials and craftsmanship.

David explained: “I wanted all the impact and style of a classic sports car, but with modern capabilities and conveniences. This is what I want in a car, but it’s not something anyone really offers. So, I’ve created it myself.”

“It has been developed using a combination of both traditional and contemporary technology, including the latest in automotive expertise. It has undergone a thorough analysis and development programme, including highly advanced windtunnel and dynamic simulations.”

Paolo Morandi: Da sempre amante di motori e web. Le quattro ruote le preferisco classiche piccole, veloci e possibilmente inglesi.
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